This WBT is part of a blended learning solution jointly offered by acep e-training and IMN Aviation.
If you want to take full advantage of the compulsory hands-on training for your crews, use the limited time more efficiently: With our coordinated trainings your crew members first work through an interactive WBT teaching the First Aid fundamentals as described below. In addition the customer-specific equipment & stowage locations will be explained to them in detail.
To get the most out of the second part, the practical training, it is taken care of that all trainees are properly prepared to start at the same level.
To get the entire list of topics & learning objectives covered by our blended learning solution or if you have any questions ore requests, please contact us at and
Sequence of medical emergency
On-board equipment & stowage locations
Checklists & Medical Incident Evaluation Form
Flight physiology
Alcohol & drugs
International SOS
Travel medicine